Congress Govt.’s ‘Aurangzebi Fatwa’ in Bhagyanagar

Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad) :
Anti-Hindu Congress Government in Andhra Pradesh has banned ringing of bell in Sri Bhagyalakshmi Temple in Char Minar area in Bhagyanagar. The Government has also imposed ban on performing ‘Maha-aarti’ and has deployed police force to implement the ban. (This shows that Congress Govt. is trampling sentiments of Hindus only to appease Muslims. Today, there is ban on ‘aarti’, ban on ringing bells in temple; tomorrow, these Hindu-hater rulers of Congress will issue a ‘fatwa’ that Hindus should adopt Islam. How long are Hindus going to tolerate such Congress rulers who are making them experience how living in Pakistan would be. Now at least Hindus should unite and undertake a strong agitation, in lawful manner, against those imposing curb on their religious rights and save their existence ! – Editor SP)

Source: HinduJanjagrutiSamiti


  1. Guys, here is some interesting historical facts about Charminar.

    Charminar, was built by Quli Qutb Shah in 1591 AD, is a landmark monument located in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. The English name is a transliteration and combination of the Urdu words Char and Minar, translating to “Four Towers”.

    While laying the foundation of Charminar, Quli Qutb Shah prayed: “Oh Allah, unto this city peace and prosperity. Let millions of men of all castes, creeds and religions make it their abode, like fish in the water”.

    A beautiful mosque was also built at the western end of the open roof and the remaining part of the roof served as a court during the Qutb Shahi times.

    The Charminar has been the site of recent controversy. The “Ancient” Bhagyalakshmi Temple was a later addition to the monument site (some accounts state that the temple is not more than thirty years old).

    Its known that the temple was built only after the Indian independence and possibly from a rock that broke off the Charminar itself.

    Its extremely close proximity to the Charminar monument has been a cause of concern for Indian Courts, The Archeological Survey of India as well as UNESCO.

    The Temple authorities have continuously neglected requests from ASI as well as court orders and have carried out temporary expansion work.

    This temporary expansion work has been the cause of controversy, as some believe the Temple authorities with the support of right wing Hindu extremists plans to transform the temporary construction into permanent construction.

    Who is Sri Bhagyalakshmi Devi ? Does any body know the history / facts of Sri Bhagyalakshmi Devi ?
    Please post it for benefit of all.

    1. How about this "Charminar was made by some dacoits and theifs who intruded the holy soul of hindustaan and coroded it with their cunningness"?

  2. The Koran (018:021) states: 'Build a building over them, their Lord knows best about them;' and those who prevailed in their affair said, 'We will surely make a mosque over them.'

    For this reason, Islam conquerors built the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, St. Sophia Basilica in Constantinople, the Cordoba Mosque in Spain; in fact the Mecca is the site of a Shiva Temple; the same was the case in Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir; Krishna Janmasthal Mandir; in Nasik, there is a Mosque that has been built right by the entrance of the Ganesh Janamastan Temple.

    Going by this history, it will not come as a surprise to any one that Bhagyalakshmi Temple would have been a Hindu place of worship.

    1. mr.whatever you are.i first think you have lack in knoledge.and same as your alha n quran.quran is the worst book i have ever read ,i was muslim(stil embrace to say) converted to hindu bharmin so know the knoledge of veda and gracefully have the deep knoledge i prefer hindu better then muslim or any other in the world..

  3. shut up you the bloody from the religion of idol brakers..we did not forget your cunning and immoral activities to capture indian domains centuries ago.Evey body knows that current congress rulers are moghals.If we believe you then you make us halal.You are center of the all the problems facing the world.Entire world knows your immoral and cunning nature.

    Hindus should be united and teach lessons to this betrayal people.They should be expelled from the country.All the problems the country is facing today is because of congress anti hindu rulers

  4. Why should we explain about Bhagyalakshmi Temple to you bloody idol should tell us how many thousands of temples were demolished and mosques are built on them.All the countries with muslim majority countries are worst and volient in nature except few oil fuelled economies..go go bloody idol brakers and cunning people

  5. You want to know who is Bhagya Lakshmi?? Just go to the temple near charminar and see the main diety. Can you tell me who is Allah??

  6. Muslim barbarians have for centuries invaded not only India but also went unto Spain and. Demolished churches and temples and built mosques to bend and pray 5 times a day and do all the worst acts in the name of Allah....this religion should be banned from India...ESP AIMIMshoul be banned...asap


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