Read and watch only intelligent and pro-active media !

Appeal to readers of periodicals and viewers of news channels

Read and watch only intelligent and pro-active media !
The news about denigration and insult of Shri Ganesh by anti-Hindu Dr. Zakir Naik was first published by ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ and later by a few Periodicals. However, not many news channels covered this. This shows that media in the Hindu-majority Bharat is anti-Hindu. It looks down upon and is least concerned about the religious sentiments of the Hindus. Information on how ideal and principled journalism should be is given in Holy text ‘Sanatan’s Journalism’. Leave alone principled journalism, today’s journalists do not even engage in objective news-collection, and thus work towards keeping Hindus in the dark. 
            O Readers ! Since anti-Hindu media is on the rise, your responsibility too has increased. Please identify Periodicals you read from the list given ahead. Boycott media that is deceptive and keeps you in the dark, and subscribe only to intelligent and pro-active Periodicals. Please also inform the nearest office of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ about the names of Periodicals which are unprincipled.
Types of Periodicals
     1. Demoniacal : Those which provide a perspective conducive for anti-national and heretic acts.
     2. Inert : Those which do not publish news on anti-national and heretic acts and if they do, they do not mention the religion of the criminal under the pretext that ‘criminals have no religion’; for example, those who advocateSarvadharmasamabhav (Equality among religions).
    3. Unintelligent : Those which publish news on anti-national and heretic acts, but do not educate the readers on any aspect.
    4. Intelligent : Those which publish news on anti-national, heretic elements and educate readers.
    5. Pro-active : Those which publish news about anti-national and heretic elements and encourage readers towards action; for example, ‘Sanatan Prabhat’.
            Since most Hindus in Bharat are inert, lack intelligence and are demoniacal, Periodicals with identical traits have millions of readers. Intelligent and pro-active Hindus are in minority and hence, Periodicals with identical traits do not have many readers. Therefore, the number of readers of Periodicals like ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ is insignificant.
            We have to change this situation so as to be able to establish the ‘Hindu Nation’.
- Dr. Athavale (Nij Bhadrapad Shukla Paksha 12, Kaliyug Varsh 5114 [27.9.2012])
O Hindus ! Boycott media that keep you in the dark !
The news about denigration and insult of Shri Ganesh by anti-Hindu Dr. Zakir Naik was first published by ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ and later by a few Periodicals and news channels. The newspapers that did not publish this news (since they are Demoniacal / inert) is given ahead.
English newspapers : The Times of India, The Indian Express, Economic Times, Financial Express, Hindustan Times, The Week, The Hindu
TV news channels : CNN-IBN, Times Now
            Newspapers and news channels that did not publish this news have incurred the sin of keeping the Hindus in the dark about the denigration of their seats of faith. O Hindus ! Protest against them in a legitimate manner !


  1. Dear Mr. Swami,

    It has been a grate pride to write to a person like you is alone fighting against the people sitting in a parliament and cypehning the money of Indian people. I will never say poor as these criminals with khadi kurta pyjama has made us.
    My suggestion is after this election in 1913, Sonia Ghandhi, Rahul, Priyanka etc will run away from this country because they will not become in power and the coming govt. will definately investigate their financial activities.
    Therefore, do you have any provision that their passports are impounded or made some provisions that should not flee from India. I am pretty sure once the new govt comes with the people like you in the govt it will be investigated. My submission again is that their power should be contained with fleding out of the country.
    I understand if i am not wrong she with her family has a duel citizenship. therefore, it has to be made sure to be contain.

  2. Sir .. on this blog.. the link for Know your Sonia ___ is not working .. it says page/server not found


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